October Blog – Laughter

Another month has past us by, and we are now in the flow of October. Hope everyone is well and so we move on this month from’rest’ looking at the pie chart segments of the wellness pot, next up ‘Laughter’, why and the essential benefits it will/can create mind body and soul. This month is short and sweet, ah you…

August Blog – Nutrition

It’s the height of the Summer months and it’s a lovely opportunity to eat alfresco styles and enjoy nutritious foods with friends and family, enjoy cooking and the benefits of good value foods to benefit our bodies well-being. Feel good! Fuel ourselves wisely! Hello everyone, well it’s that time of the month again, blog time, i will share some evidence…

Personal Training by Flow Fitness, Oxfordshire

July Blog-Strength Training

July 2024 Well another month has just flown by again, yet would it be fair to say we finally have summer, sunshine has been consistent, what a delight. Lets recap on the well-being balance of life pie chart, a segment each month to explore the different aspects that help us stay on track and take care of the mind and…